Thursday, December 3, 2009

Mobicents Sip Servlets 1.1 released !

Here is our new shiny Mobicents Sip Servlets 1.1 release !

The focus of this release has been Clustering and High Availability where refactoring has been done to give the community more flexibility, stability and accomodate more architectures.

Thus Our Sip Load Balancer has been completely revamped to be SIP Transaction Stateless, Distributable, Convergent with an HTTP Forwarder (based on Netty project) added, allow pluggable algorithms and the Sip Servlets Container itself has had numerous improvements for Clustering and Failover with HA persistent timers, reduced network traffic for SIP Sessions replication, JAIN SIP has been extended to become an HA SIP Stack and much more

We also added a new alerting application allowing the JBoss RHQ/Jopr Enterprise Management Solution to give calls or send SMS to System Administrators when monitoring alerts are fired : See Jopr is Talking, RHQ and future of Alerts, and RHQ/Jopr Mobicents Alerts

Our Mobicents Sip Servlets certified implementation runs on top of Apache Tomcat 6.0.14, JBoss AS 4.2.3.GA and JBoss AS 5.1.0.GA.

The other highlights of this release are :

* Application Router : Filtering SIP requests based on Public Service Identities (PSI) in IMS
* Move to Diameter version 1.1.0.GA and inclusion of Diameter in JBoss 5 version
* More than 30 bug fixes

Downloads are here, online documentation is here, User Guide is here, the 1.1 changelog and roadmap is here and the Mobicents Google Group for feedback and questions is here.

Try out this new awesome release and give us your feedback !
Enjoy and Have Fun !

The Mobicents Sip Servlets Team
